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Sound Therapy & Sonic Massage

Schedule Your Bliss and Experience the Deepest Meditation Yet!

We Live In Such a Loud, Chaotic, Distracted World

Constantly On The Go, Focused On What's Next, and Overwhelmed By What Has Been.

Let It All Go and Receive the Gift of Rhythmic Therapeutic Flow 

Immerse Yourself in the Healing Presence of Sound!

These unique Sonic Massage Sessions are catered to you and your emotional needs.

Experience deep relaxation and emotional balance with a beautiful arrangement of chakra-tuned instruments that work in harmony to alter brain waves.

This is a passive meditation- all you need to do is be physically present.


Mental presence follows as a natural response and it's common to slip into a dreamy state.

There's no need to apologize for sleeping!

You will be encouraged to let your body and mind escape, so schedule your bliss today!


Sound Baths are Perfect To Soothe:

PTSD, CPTSD, Insomnia, Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Mental Fatigue, Physical Fatigue, Mood Disorders, Degenerative Joints & Joint Dysfunction, Lymphatic Blockages,

Energetic Blockages ( Chakra & Meridian Clearing), Lack of Creativity, Anger, Grief, Chronic Tension, ADHD,

Tendon and Ligament Pain/Dysfunction, Prior Injuries, Scar Tissue,

Nervous Disorders, and Endocrine/Hormonal Dysfunction, Procrastination, Emotional Instability


Sound Baths are also transformative to those who struggle to meditate or quiet their minds.


Sonic Massage is perfect for anyone who has a traumatic or abusive past.  

You will receive extensive healing bodywork with limited physical contact while fully clothed.


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